OxFam has come out with a report critical of PRTs; I respect OxFam and it's work. They usually are quite factual and non-political in such matters.

I should also say that NATO is very much in a learning curve when it comes to COIN and COIN-related initiatives like PRTs.


Financial Times
November 20, 2007

Afghan Revival Work Failing, Says Oxfam

By Jon Boone, Kabul

The use of international forces in Afghanistan to spearhead reconstruction work has created development projects that are “unsuitable, unused or targeted by militants”, says a leading aid agency.

Oxfam International says the 25 provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) run by soldiers from 13 countries have concentrated on short-term projects that have done nothing to stem rising violence in the country.

In a wide-ranging critique of international efforts in Afghanistan, prepared for a British parliamentary overseas development committee, the UK-based aid agency says that the Nato-led PRTs have gone far beyond their security mandate and have crowded out local initiatives.

“Given the historic suspicion of foreign intervention, such efforts to win ‘hearts and minds’ are naive,” says the report. “It is unsurprising that the huge expansion of PRT activities has not prevented the deterioration of security.

“The development process needs to be owned and led by Afghan communities, which is essential for sustainability.”