Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
I'm not sure I find "stab" a very useful way of characterizing the debate (regardless of one's views on US deployment in Iraq).
How 'bout "Stone Age" ?

The Weekly Standard dated 12 March 2007

When our tale opens, it is the last month of 2006, Democrats have just scored a blowout in Congress, Iraq is in shambles, and the country is calling for Bush to change course. He does. But he changes course in the other direction, radically revising his Iraq strategy, adopting aggressive new rules of engagement, and sending in 30,000 more troops. Even before the plan was announced to the public on January 10, 2007, Democrats launched their assault. Senator Christopher Dodd declared the plan useless: "A 'surge' of American troops will do nothing."
Glad I didn't have a paid subscription to this 'breaking news'.