Having just had the opportunity to read said posting I would have to agree with the presentation strictly from an analytic standpoint.

This being said I think several questions come to mind which I would love direction in finding research materials to answer.

1- When changes such as have begun in varying parts of Iraq reference new end games with possible outcomes not necessarily considered plausible by the populace in the past, how does this affect those who make up those very base of these FRL's.

Considering the fact that they and their families are a part of the landscape which is Iraq.

2- Even though many a well researched individual might be able to follow the line of thinking presented does it not seem wiser that when presenting the big picture within the context of information to the masses; that it be kept as simple and direct as possible.

( The bad guys are those who are shooting at us and / or the populous and they are against us so they are with the bad guy you know; AQ)

3- The fact that AQ seems to be the fall guy for everything bad that happens is a bad idea why?

( It doesn't seem that many other shall we say organizations throughout the world have any problem with letting them be out there as the tip of the spear.)

I just like to think that those who have worked so hard to encourage it's success will find themselves falling on that spear sooner or later.

Call me an optimist KISS principle always worked for me