The problem I see with this is the same as the one the military reserve and the current "active" civil service has. No one wants to be 'ordered' to a long term deployment. I personally know of many people who would gladly take a 'Busmans holiday' as it were, of several months.

The problem is that the government has totally destroyed its credibility in this arena by sending people on 3 month, (or in the case of some pitiable Naval Reservists I have met 2 week) deployments that turn into 15 month deployments! The situation now is that people believe that if they sign any contract that is deployable for the government they have to be willing to deploy the entire length of their contract or go to jail. Who is going to sign up for such a thing, on the civil side, since they have already passed on the military option. State department flunkies are already telling Sec'y Rice to pound sand as far as a deployment to Iraq. Even if we had such an organization, who would join it?

This may be why companies like Blackwater are having no problem with recruiting, even though it is for the same job. It is a job that people know that they can leave at any time.