Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Steve, have you had any other problems since then?
Nothing terrible. What spooked me was that the nuts were using Yahoo People Search and then calling me at home. I still find things posted on web sites like this and this. Interestingly, some of the people who initially contacted me thought that I had stumbled on the massive government/DIA/CIA/military mind control conspiracy and they wanted to warn me, while others thought that I was an avatar that had been invented to trial balloon the idea. One retired sergeant posted on a discussion board that he had been able to confirm that I was, in fact, a real person. I was glad to hear that.

For some reason, the issue has been popping up again on conspiracy sites. That must have prompted the voice mail last week which accused me of engineering the demise of the human race. I found that so silly--I gave up trying the engineer the demise of the human race WEEKs ago.