Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
Because it's hard, probably impossible and more importantly, it's unnecessary. All we need to do is convince people not to blow themselves up. We don't even need to figure out what to say.

Where Boys Grow Up to be Jihadis – Andrea Elliott, New York Times

In the article, a young Muslim who was thinking about going to Iraq decided not to because he didn't want to blow up Muslims.

That's the message. If you join Al Qeada, you'll blow up Muslims. The message is already working. We just need to help spread it.

I understand where your coming from but might I ask, is it too much to think we might also approach it in a way which says its also not ok to blow yourself up even though the people aren't muslim.

I mean I'm not sure that particular argument, even if widely disseminated would have effectively stopped those who attacked on 9/11, or countless other times and places.

By singularly focusing on this it would be in following with the dehumanization of those who don't fit a particular mold.

Just a thought...