Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
you can't pay much attention to anything those squirrels say.

The Armed forces are a reflection of the society from which they come; same percentage of crooks, liars, con-men, eagle scouts, gay, straight, totally irreligious, evangelicals, jews, catholics etc. etc.

There are a few such as Hunter describes, the vast majority are not. There are a few who are offended by gays, the vast majority could care less as long as it doesn't become an issue.

Tequila's got it right.
I'm with Ken on this. Some years ago a new 2Lt (out of OCS) was asked by his CO to look into whether an enlisted man was gay. He asked the platoon sergeant. The answer was that everyone thought so, but the guy was damn good at his job, didn't ghost, took showers after everyone else and after one or two social beers, took off on his own (private) activities after duty hours.

The 2Lt then asked, So we don't have a problem?

The platoon sergeant answered, Not unless you create one.

The 2Lt decided he had more important concerns than a witch hunt.

That has pretty much summed the entire situation up for me.