Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
I've felt that with each administration spin becomes more important, and reality less. Probably because people like me keep getting better at our craft and the effects of spin can be measured so much faster than they used to be and because people can choose their own reality: CNN, Fox News, network news, radio pundit, blogger etc.

I'm hoping that the lessons of Iraq will increase the importance of reality - at least temporarily - but I'm not willing to bet any money on it.
Too true -- the spin meisters get better; the media gets worse (if that's possible) and our education system is all too slowly making up for all that lost time from 1960 to 2000. Hopefully, once the Ed system catches up, that'll force the media to improve and decrease if not eliminate the impact of spin meisters -- no insult intended and no harm; by the time that happens, you'll be long retired...