Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
[...] Constabulary Units. Why are you trying to terrify me???

Ah. Re roling, not re training. Very different animal - and to be totally avoided UNLESS it's integrated at all times...

Re roling Artillery to Infantry isn't wise, 500 man Bn can't do a 700 man Bns jobs. Re role 'em to MPs; 500 to 500 -- that'll work. Acknowledging that sometimes one has no choice.
Wait a minute Ken, I really heard you say (well, actually saw you write) that something actually terrified you? Well, it terrifies me too, and if some keener of a Parliamentary staffer reads this and suggests it to his Minister (good thing Canadian politicos by and large have never even heard of the SWC), then after the next Federal election up here, the whole Canadian Army might find itself converted into "Constabulary" units - it came very close to that in the 90's, and only the events of 2001 stopped that from probably becoming a reality.

And Re-rolling is almost as bad. Not quite, but almost.

And about 50 year-old Captains, Ken (hehe): just imagine the circles you could have run around doddering Field Grades and positively geriatric Flag Officers in your DoD years? I mean, there are some advantages to such a system, given its inherent bureaucratic nature anyway.