Excerpts published from Craig Unger's new book say Wolfowitz was considered for DCI in 2000. I'm a bit skeptical about this story and Unger in general, but the story is that Wolfowitz's extracurricular activities while Dean of SAIS didn't sit to well with Mrs. Wolfowitz, so she started to talk about his indiscretions -- killing his shot at DCI.

I will admit to feeling slimy by peddling People Magazine style tabloid journalism here. But one paragraph got to me (emphasis mine):

According to a former State Department official, Wolfowitz was quite taken with the notion that he, a secular Jew, was dating a Muslim. Their relationship put a heady, modern, and romantic face on the entire neocon project of democratizing the Middle East. As the Bush-Cheney team prepared to take office, Wolfowitz and Riza, not his wife Clare, took in the neocon social circuit together. Riza was known to Cheney. She moved in the same circles with and was admired by Ahmed Chalabi, the Iraqi exile Wolfowitz backed as a successor to Saddam. "Shaha was the embodiment of the outcome of the modern Arab political system as the neocons saw it," said the State Department source. "She was the personification of the outcome they hoped for in Iraq. She was not theoretical. She was not in a burka. She was a modern Arab feminist."
Not to conflate this into a major insight, but don't unrelated personal matters on the periphery sometimes yield disproportionate effects in shading a decision makers thinking?