Both should be considered democratic governments. However, Lebanon has elected members of Hezbollah into their parliament and Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization by the international community. It's not the style of government but who is in charge of the country that matters.

I dont believe that Lebanon being democratic would have any impact on decisions. If Israel does not defend itself it would eventually be wiped off the map. Hezbollah, Iran, etc. are all dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Then the Middle East would lose the only established democracy that supports the GWOT.

While democracy may be the final goal, it is not the means to the end. The USA has removed elected governments in the past only to institute another form of government [Iran, 1953] when it felt that it was not in the country's best interests at the time. Establishing democracy in Arab Nations is far down on the list of priorities to rooting out terrorism currently.
