Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
Maybe I missed something. I gotta admit I've got an axe to grind in this discussion. I've spent a lot of effort trying to get small departments trained up and making the case that good training results in excellent cops. The number one thing I fight against is the "anybody can be a copy it's not that big of deal". Then you have to clean up after them.
any argument from me on that score, I'm with you 100+% on that. Got two sons, one on each coast, who've been on the job for over 35 years between 'em and I'm along with some others fighting Florida's IMO too lax training time requirement trying to get it to model the GA POST requirement with respect to standards, length and in-service requirements. Plus in most posts here, I'm beating the training drum for more and better of the military variety, all levels.

I think the issue here, though, is troop training requirements for COIN...