hI rON,

Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
I would appreciate any suggestions you might have on more directed studies realted to this type of process. Aside from the analytical side I have also started playing around with possibilities towards simulated abstractions based on real interactions, thus hopefully allowing for slightly more realistic fiction.
lol - Life is fiction; at least in the sense of improvisational acting . The reference I have been tossing out recently is "This is your brain on music" by Daniel J. Levitin (book and web site). Rally good as a primer on both music and neurology, although not really getting heavily into the other aspects of cultural schemas except at a surface level.

Another good place for some basics is the Evolutionary Psychology Primer, by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, which lays out some of the model of the social effects of neural evolution. Then it starts getting tricky...

Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
I realize this is so far beyond me it's not funny , but one must have goals.
Who says it's beyond you?!? Go for it and have fun . BTW, I use some of this (without the references) in my Market Research consulting.
