Bill took the time to reply to my query at The Long War Journal, and also sent me a private email offering to speak on the matter by telephone, which I accepted and enjoyed.

My initial questions about his sources desire for anonymity have been answered, and, while I've always respected Bill's work (and Mike Yon and other self-financed freelance journalists who put themselves in the middle of the action at their own risk and expense), that respect has grown in light of how Bill fielded my concerns.

I do think the issue of publishing sensitive information was, and is, worthy of discussion. Bill clearly does as well, evidenced in his reply to me at LWJ where he writes:

"Finally, there is a difficult balance to this. I have to weigh the public's right to know what Iran is doing to US forces and our Iraqi allies inside Iraq with operational security concerns."

He goes on to say how he has struck that balance. I can now say that I agree, and that all of my original concerns have been answered.

Thanks, Bill, and best of luck.