Hi Canoneer,

Quote Originally Posted by Cannoneer No. 4 View Post
Use of the word, propaganda, is counterproductive when describing one's own side's use of it because of the perjorative connotations of the word among English-speaking peoples in the first decade of the 21st Century. In Spanish, so I am told, the word just means advertising.

I am making do with the term strategic communications while waiting for somebody to coin a better euphemism.
Somewhat unusually for an academic, I prefer to use real words with their real meanings rather than rely on euphemisms . All a euphemism does is substitute one term for another while hoping and praying that the negative emotional connotations of the real term don't shift over to the new one. This is, in many ways, a silly exercise as can be witnessed through the vast variety of euphemisms developed over the past 50 years that seem to change every week.

Let's agree to disagree on this one.