Quote Originally Posted by Norfolk View Post
For the most part I agree with you Ron, although I would add the absolutely necessary element of the gravity of the matter concerned. I absolutely agree that what is Black and what is White and the necessary distinction between the two must not be lost in what is otherwise an overwhelming sea of various greys. Just as there are dangers in naivety and idealism, so there are dangers in pragmatism and realism. And to complicate matters, very often there is not just one side in the fight that is, or has been, in the wrong.

The gravity of the matter in question is utterly critical in that regard, and the gravity of terrorism, crime, etc., gives it a very different and very serious character by comparison to (most) of what occurs with school teachers and the young children in their classes, as an example. That said, you're quite right that who done wrong and what's to be done about it must be addressed to the extent that it is possible, otherwise the basic injustices that led to the problem, and subsequently the problem itself, may be impossible to rectify or at least mitigate.
Regarding the matters at hand related to current and future issues, I would propose that as with everything else there often are factors at work which even the most informed of us are unaware.

Recognizing this then how do we seek to address that which we do not see. Though a leaking pipe behind the wall may not readily show itself to us we non-the-less are able to locate it by seeking those signs which represent it's presence. So it goes with human nature and all else in the world. There is (I would assert) never a time in which everyone can be happy all the time about everything. Also as is often the case we humans have this need to find our direction through belief or faith in someone or something, even if that be ourselves.

Considering that this has been the case in as much of history as we have recorded then how else do we really approach it except through this context and in relation to our own capabilities to change what we can change.

For any given populous the underlying grievances will exist yet how they addressed by that society will largely relate to the Opportunities, or options which those who make up the have not's see as viable. The key difference interwoven by todays terrorist groups is that they-

1- Rely mainly on those within the middle to upper class to orchestrate their overall operations

2- Take advantage of any lacking of options for the lower class in recruiting
( This really is nothing new)

3- Are multi-purpose in their overall structural development
( They incorporate multiple organizational backgrounds into their overall presence)
a: Religious
b: Criminal
c: Military
d: international
The epitemy of equal opportunity workplace

In relation to the overall discussion-

I think we will find the base for future terrorism focally somewhere near those
in mid level power with the most to lose from changes due to globalism in all it's parts

Just my take on it..