Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
I've read the article twice and didn't find a single reference to little, striped cartoon fish.

"Nemo Challenges the Matrix" is a riff off of the movie "The Matrix" where actor Keanu Reeves plays a character named Nemo who along with a group of others have figured out that the world is controlled by machines and that reality is created in the minds of people by these machines; the sad part is that the people are actually imprisoned in horrible little bubbles with tubes coming out of their bodies; in the movie that is the true reality of things although they don’t see it because they are controlled by the disinformation produced by the matrix.

The main point to the movie as I see it is that individuals can make a difference and can challenge the way the masses think things are.

Macgregor has been an important challenger of conventional wisdom in the defense establishment for the last twenty years (his two classic works in this regard are “Breaking the Phalanx,” and “Transformation Under Fire.” He was also a brilliant tactician and fighter in the Gulf War and after that war when as a Cavalry Squadron commander he defeated the vaunted opfor at the National Training Center.

So I use the title "Nemo Challenges the Matrix" for this thread as a metaphor to get at what I see as the importance of challenging conventional wisdom and the narrative surrounding notions of "success" in Iraq and where we are headed in the future. Macgregor might be wrong, I might be wrong, but the important point of this article is that the matrix is challenged. In that sense it is worth the read and not labeled as a "rant" by another posting to this thread.

You queried, there it is.