Quote Originally Posted by SWJED View Post
.... And no, we do not get a referral fee as this list is not linked to our normal SWJ / SWC Amazon account. We tried to link it and planned on using the fee to buy even more books but using that method would not allow us and potential buyers to track which books were already purchased.

Just in the interest of full disclosure. We have subsequently managed to adjust the linkage on the COIN Academy's reading list, and it does now generate an explicitly tagged referral fee within our account at Amazon. Small Wars Journal is reinvesting the referral fees from this effort to purchase additional books on the reading list.

Thanks also to Abu Muqawama, who has made the same modification and is similarly committed to passing on those referral fees to reinvest in the cause.

Note - you get the same low Amazon price no matter how you buy. The referral fee is effectively a slice out of Amazon profits, back to the little guys. Like us. And the COIN Academy. So thanks, Jeff Bezos. And thanks to those of you who choose to modify your Amazon purchasing behavior ever so slightly (i.e. click into Amazon through our site) and thereby help us out. It's a big boost to our tiny coffers.

Note 2 - to any of our coalition partners in this effort (see list at end of entry here), if we haven't gotten the how-to on this fee-generating re-linking to you, let me know. Contact by PM or webmaster@smallwarsjournal.com.