It seems to me that the challenge here is the limited options that civilian populations have, especially when those IEDs are deliberately targeted against locations where civilians must necessarily be as part of the fabric of their daily lives (markets, mosques, busy roads, etc). In contrast to mine casualties--where a significant proportion of casualties may come from ignoring warning signs, children failing to recognize mines and UXO, use of ad hoc, inadequate clearance methods, etc.--there is much less that civilians can do to reduce IED risks. Moreover, the IED risk is neither fixed in time or space, whereas the mine and UXO challenge may be much more so (leaving aside displacement due to weather or construction/clearance, or fresh mine laying due to continued hostilities).

What kinds and components of IED awareness education were you thinking might be effective, that aren't included in current mine awareness programmes (which typically include trip-wire type IEds and any suspicious ordnance)?