Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
I'm moving toward the conclusion that our problem is NOT that people don't understand us (and hence the problem is NOT poor strategic communications or information operations). Most people do have a reasonably good understanding of us. They just increasingly don't want what we want and plain don't like what we stand for.
I agree 100%.

I also agree with what tequila labeled as the "Zeus' thunderbolt." Unless I'm mistaken "Zeus' thunderbolt" is exactly what CONPLAN 8022 is with respect to US policy - a global, preemptive military strike capability against an identified National Security threat.

As we all know we're not the only nation on earth that has a "Zeus' thunderbolt" doctrine with which to respond to NatSec 101 threats. Russia got a plan. So does Israel.

We may see one of these days how Israel's "Zeus' thunderbolt" doctrine applies to Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions.