Not real arguments here; I knew when I was writing it that it was a gross over simplification of the positions on all sides. Global Jewry were poorly treated globally for centuries by all, the holocaust was just one more injustice in a very long line. The British made mutually exclusive promises to various parties and, principally due to our rulers of that era having a Sunday School Christian background, seem to have been more inclined to side with the Isaac rather than the Ishmael branch of the Abrahamic religions. Having been British public school educated I remember all the compulsory church attendance and religious studies classes well.

As to the “Snowball in hell” bit that is pretty much the point I was trying to make. The idea that the US is having to shoulder the burden as others wont step up, and would be happy to step back if they would, is just not true. Others might try and broker a peace but any solution that the majority of nations might view as equitable will not get out of committee as it is not what the US/Israel want.