Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
I can't imagine this ever not having been an expectation both from the HN or US sides after going in.

To me it seems to make sense that from the perspective of the Coalition you don't invest the time, money, and resources most importantly human and otherwise and not expect to make sure it wasn't all in vain or at least in long term benefit to yourselves. And from the HN side why would you not want those who helped you get where you are to stick around long enough to keep everybody else from taking advantage of your weakened state.

I don't think we can leave Iraq until we've fixed what we broke. I can't imagine a single history of this event being written that doesn't reflect badly on the actions of the U.S. government going in. As far as I can tell, the only saving grace left to us is how we exit. And as far as keeping a permanent base is concerned, that's a certain way to keep us at the top of the al Qaeda recruiting posters.