Quote Originally Posted by bourbon View Post
I see Iran's 2003 conciliatory outreach to us, after we had just walloped Saddam's Army, as more evidence of Iran's ability to think and act rationally.

What Iranian 2003 "conciliatory outreach' to the United States are you referring to?

With respect to the NIE we're talking about - the US discovered in 2002 that Iran had covert nuclear weapons research ongoing at Natanz and Arak. An Iranian opposition group was responsible for pointing an accusatory finger at both the covert uranium enrichment facility at Natanz as well as the covert heavy water facility at Arak. At the time of this discovery both facilities were completely unknown to the pros in the U.S. intelligence community.

Moreover, the dual-use (geared for primarily military applications) Iranian HEU enrichment we did know about continued without interuption.

I repeat, what "conciliatory outreach" in 2003 are you referring to?