Quote Originally Posted by JeffC View Post
based on what we DO know about the P1's, and about their number, 3000...
Really? How do you know all 3000 are of the first generation P1 types? Got proof?

Even more importantly, what the IAEA has consistently demanded of Iran is that it certifiably halt ALL ENRICHMENT PROCESSES. Period. Iran has flat out refused to do so.

ElBaradei as quoted by the Financial Times on 19 February 2007:

...I would report that Iran has not complied with the demand of the international community to suspend [enrichment processes].
Iran's plutonium production has already been verified by the IAEA as peaceful. It's a closed issue.
The IAEA provided Iran with a Q&A for them to fill out. The IAEA then accepted Iran's written response carte blanche. There was no inspection whatsoever to verify the veracity of Iranian answers to the IAEA Q&A.

No, that would be paranoia, not prudence.
That would be in accordance with you own personal opinion; an opinion I obvious do not share.

Prudence says wait for the facts to come in before launching an attack on WMDs that don't exist.
The prudence decision is in the hands of the U.S. National Military Command Authority. Period.