Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
attempt to compress five to six generations worth of change at a 'normal' pace or using the flawed idea of containment and / or diplomatic processes into two or three generations by forcing accelerated change.
OK, I exaggerated a bit with "forever". You got me.

Obviously you've never tried to turn the behemoth bureaucracy around and may be missing the political correctness that pervades DoD.
Not DOD, but in the private sector, yes. It's not only a depressing exercise, but in the near future it's a serious problem in getting up to speed in cyber warfare.

That PC effect also is the element that seems to obscure the identification of the real motivator. It known, just unstated for a variety of really excellent reasons. If it weren't known, we wouldn't be where we are doing what we're doing.
Oh, Ken. Please don't tell me that you believe that we invaded Iraq to fight terrorists.