Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne View Post
It is my opinion that CAP represents a very slick, left of center political front that is more interested in the appeasement of Iran and its own political agenda than serious debate on the issue of ongoing Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear weapons per the (2005 &) 2007 National Intelligence Estimates.

As referenced in my post above.
First of all Joe Cirincione and Trita Parsi are experts who transcend common stock partisan bickering. Besides, Dr. Parsi is card carrying member of the Realist school of international relations which conflicts with Senator Clinton's neo-liberal/liberal interventionist camp.

Which leads me a second point, It is not an obvious left/right matter. Paleoconservatives for the most part fall on what you ascribe to the where the left is on this matter. They at best fail to see how neoconservative hawkishness on Iran is in the national interest, and worst question the neocon's motives. Not to mention view the neocons disdainfully as an ideology spawned by red-diaper babies, that has more in common with the Jacobin's and Bolsheviks than with conservatism. Further some fail to see much difference between Sen. Clinton and the likes of Rudy Guiliani or Mitt Romney on the Iran matter and Foreign Policy.