Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
I'd submit that Korea was missed by the Spooks; Viet Nam was missed by the Army (in a broad sense); Grenada was not foreseen and while you're correct in saying the invasion of Kuwait was not foreseen, it should have been (we virtually invited him to do it).
Minor point in this thread. But some of us did see the invasion of Kuwait coming and gave strategic warning. I made that call as soon as he began moving the RGFC south. My DCSINT--who had removed Iraq from the world wide threat list that spring and earned Schwartzkopf's ire by doing so--continued to spout bluff until 2 August.

As for inviting him to invade, too strong a word, Ken. Gallespie screwed up by leaving the door open instead of slamming it in his face. She did not invite him.

