Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
. . .
As for inviting him to invade, too strong a word, Ken. Gallespie screwed up by leaving the door open instead of slamming it in his face. She did not invite him.


Miz April's offhand comment was only one factor and a small one at that. Aside from the fact that, culturally in the ME, if one admires / asks for something, the proper response is to offer it up to the requestor which she inadvertently did, there were other earlier clues both to his desire and our willingness to placate, certainly starting with Kuwait's upping of its oil production in '89 and all our touchy feely responses during the subsequent negotiation and bluster haggling phase...

You and others caught the signs. Your Boss and other's of his ilk ignored the signs through IMO ego and hubris; the net result is that we were unprepared thus my "...was not foreseen, it should have been..." As usual, the working guys got it right and the Flags screwed it up.

I know one guy who postulated it in DC early in the spring of '90 but was told it was "not in our lane" by his Boss. Stovepiping and excessive concern for turf is stupid.
