We all get one like that sooner or later. I hit a tree one day and swung into it, smacking my canteen in to my kidney; cussed the AF, the tree and the canteen, finally climbed down my reserve and dropped ten feet to the ground, started to the Assembly point which meant crossing a corner of the DZ --and after I saw all the barbed wire fences and people with cuts was ready to go back and kiss the tree...

Lemme dispel a Jump School myth; body position has nothing to do with twists, it's the Static Line. If, in the process of unhooking it, tossing it over your shoulder and then eventually hooking up, you keep it perfectly straight, you won't have any twists; let it get twists in it before you hook up then exit the bird and that flat doubled over nylon strap will straighten itself out by twisting your deployment bag after the suspension lines are out and before the chute fully deploys. I convinced the 82d Jump School of that, they took it to Benning, Benning didn't want to hear it so they're still teaching it wrong. The Glory (and rep) of the School transcends mere reality...

Having said that, don't change your story, it's great...