Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
Most of it is rewritten by iron majors and LTCs (slugs like us) under pressure of sometimes unrealistic deadlines, too much other work, not enough time to do real research, and a vetting process that may be more form than substance.
To your knowledge, is this about the same way the current version of FM 3-24 was written? This question is somewhat rhetorical because we have been told that Generals Mattis and Patraeus, Nagl, Kilkullen, Con Crane, et al were the primary authors. Is this correct? Was FM 3-24 unique in how it was written? As an Army officer who is familiar with Army doctrine what do you think this tells us about how we devise doctrine--as a system--in the United States Army? If we had such a remarkable battery of individuals writing FM 3-24 as the capstone doctrine for counterinsurgency should we not be doing the exact same thing now for the writing of FM 3-0?

