Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
The ability to understand a spectrum of perceptions and various points of view, to effectively conduct alternatives analysis, to put themselves in the fully textured context of the other to "red team" the analysis - these all form an integral part of good training for analysts.
This implies that effective training regimens currently exist to solve this problem. If that's the case, then the solution is simple - provide more training. Unfortunately, study after study indicates that this ISN'T the case. Ever since the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, blue-badge analysts at CIA have undergone more training than ever before, and yet the problem still persists.

That tells me that the solution to this problem hasn't been found yet, and that the existing training regime isn't adequate to the task. Innovaton and outside-the-box thinking is typically what's called for in solving "hard problems" like this. Once a more effective method is found to solve this problem, it can be integrated into a required training set, but we don't appear to be there as of yet.