Quote Originally Posted by Ratzel View Post
The idea is not to turn SO into the a mech unit, the idea is turn a mech unit into a SO unit. You bring up the point about a target not being an SF target if tanks and APC's are needed. What I I'm wondering is if there's something in between?

Is there a need for an highly trained mechanized unit that can get on the ground fully in 24 hours and operate for a for a week or so in an intense environment? Mechanized units can sustain themselves longer than a regular Ranger unit. If re-supply by air is imposable due to weather or something unforeseen, this type of unit would be especially useful.
That is the genesis of the light cav concept. I was with 2 ACR when it was first formed as a light cav regiment. Back then our prime mission was "expand the lodgement." The Rangers or 82nd or whoever would seize an airfield and then we would land on that airfield, push out and hold the terrain around the airfield until heavier forces could be landed and pushed into the fight. The original intent of the Stryker battalions was similar. They were designed to be carried on a C130 and then roll off into the fight and as far as I know that is still the intent. Everyone is focused on Iraq right now and not really thinking about forced entry into another country but that is what Stryker is supposed to be for.

Quote Originally Posted by Ratzel View Post
Of course, anyone who entered the military after Somalia learned the lessons of that experience. Most people now admit that armour could have saved a lot of lives there. You bring up the point about a target not being SF if tanks and APC's are needed. But in this situation, this is far from the truth.
No one ever denied that armor would have been nice to have for that raid in Somalia but it was not was up to SOF. The armor had been removed as a result of a decision by the NCA not SOF. Had the armor been available in sector then SOF would have used it. That does not mean that they need organic armor capability. In any case, even if SOF did have its own armor it would likely have been pulled out with the rest of the armor.

Quote Originally Posted by Ratzel View Post
So now the question is, if we did use armour in that situation, would you rather it be from the regular Army or from the new Panzer-Grenadier-Mech-SO capable Unit? Please answer this question?
I have no problem at all with getting armor support from big Army on those rare occasions when it is needed. What I do have a problem with is a mech unit eating up SOF resources and budget.