Quote Originally Posted by SWJED
...how many times do we have to be told what successful COIN entails?
Several times a day it seems. Between the media, think tanks, bloggers, and our own peers in the military, it seems everyone is continually reinventing the wheel as regards COIN, irregular warfare and terrorism. Refurbished ideas, both good ones that have worked and bad ones whose past failures are ignored, have been gone over ad nauseum in the past couple of years.

I know many on SWC, and many others on active duty, clearly understand the timeless tried and true principles of COIN in reference to their application in today's context - but there are still way to many at the senior decision making levels who even today just don't get it. Even worse, at the national level, domestic politics and vested interests interfere with effective prosecution of successful COIN across the spectrum. So, although we may get frustrated at reading or hearing the same thing in a different format over and over again, there are others who just sit there not comprehending, like a pig staring at a wristwatch.
Looks interesting. I'll sit down and read it as soon as I get a chance.