Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
Military Retirees May Face Big Bump in Health Costs

Here's the actual report: Task Force on the Future of Military Health Care - Final Report

The findings and recommendations on retiree benefits are on page "ES10" (20 of 204) of the pdf document.

One piece I'll talk to:

Even if fees are doubled, my retiree health benefits would be cheaper than employer-provided benefits - and much more comprehensive. I'd be an idiot if I dropped a better, cheaper plan I have access to due to my military service in favor of a more expensive one with less coverage offered by my current employer.

In that context, I'm not going to bitch and whine if the annual fee is raised. The example of how employee health costs and pension plans have crippled our domestic automoble industry is a stark one. The point about "fairness to the American taxpayer" is one that should be well taken. Given the power of the veteran's lobbies and the potential for political suicide for any politician who may be seen as cutting veteran's benefits in the middle of a war, I'm not too concerned about a huge increase taking effect. But I can go along with a "modest hike" along the lines of what is suggested. I've never been one who supports an entitlement attitude.

However, a very different matter of far greater importance is the necessity to take adequate care of our wounded veterans who can't work, and need significant care for the remainder of their lives.
They proposed this same thing a little over a year ago and the elections killed it. We will see this time how it fairs. I have my doubts like you, Ted. My personal take on this is when Congress aligns itself with an extant system on health care, pensions, and other matters, we will all be better off.

