Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
He's not making a prediction (note his use of the phrase "should they so desire in the future") as much as presenting a possibility. A prediction would use the construction "when they move to weapons-grade materials" or something quite similar.

As Jed pointed out, this is an important subject. And most important subjects require clarity in communication. Let's all keep it clear and respectful.
I'm all in favor of clarity, and I agree with you that Galrahn suggested a possibility rather than making a prediction (my bad).

Since defense of one's position, whether it's a possibility or a prediciton, is a time-honored tradition in military academies and civilian educational institutions, I'm looking forward to hear Galrahn's take on what technical requirements must be in place in order for any nation, including Iran, to convert enriched uranium supplied by Russia to HEU for use in a warhead, should Iran desire to do that in the future.