Agreed, proper cultural training is was lacking back in 05 when I went through it at Camp Shelby and in 04 at Fort Bliss.

I agree with much that is posted here. This is graduate level stuff to be sure and we are scratching the surface as an organization to get this into the educational system and spread the word.

We are coming along and learning, this site and others are proof. Trouble is we have to overcome the attitude and years of education that young troopers have. Kids that are indoctrinated on first person shooter games and scared out of their minds in a totally foreign country where someone is trying to kill them.

In many soldiers and leaders minds offensive mindset is force protection. You have to assume a great deal of tactical risk to do COIN right. Leaders and soldiers are trained to avoid risk, to place Force Protection on a pedestal and exalt it.

Culture gets in the way of FP. Taking the time to understand and then adapt your communication and habits to elicit the response you want long term is too difficult and time consuming for most. Not to mention the risks associated with taking the Wileys off to look a guy in the eye and the hatch gloves off after you sling your weapon so you can shake his hand. Too close for most.

The leadership challenge is getting through to the young trigger pullers that they are the real cultural ambassadors and will make or break things. The strategic corporal concept is alive and well.

Unfortunately we are preaching to the choir on blogs like this. Not reaching the troops enough and arguing nuances most of the time. We all understand the importance of culture and the disastrous results of neglecting it.

How can we educate the Platoon leaders and members so they really 'get it'?