good article. I wonder though. We so often speak of what will come about in terms of leadership, politics, infrastructure and our predictions stem from this.

Why is it so rare to hear about what the very large number of people in that society are wanting and how hard they will fight to keep it. Is it just pie in the sky to think that there is a fourth possibility where large numbers of the populace set forth their demands to their local leaders that they are really tired of fighting and want their children to be able to have some peace within which to grow. There might also be many religious leaders aside from the media's favorites which might contribute to change in ways as of yet unseen.

Realizing that this part of the world has for so long been in constant turmoil and assuming that this continues might be the smart bet but it seems interesting that we can so easily discount those who are a large part of success or failure.

Yes many local leaders brought people to the table to work with us, but even more than that have to have chosen to work towards what is currently the situation. I think we might be selling the little guy short but I guess only time will tell.