...and I'm probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
We are in between working with our web host to try to understand or enhance their sophomoric implementation of "security," and working on finding another host. Migration is a pain, but so is being IP blocked to the sweet spot of your demographic.
Please know that this is nothing personal. SWJED got blocked two days ago, and one of our valued moderators has been black-listed twice. We are equal opportunity boneheads.
See post #1 for a description of the issue, and the info I need to confirm and remedy it. Though they're pissing me off by causing the problem to begin with, our hosts' service desk is pretty responsive and you're generally unblocked within an hour from when I get the info to them as a support ticket.
If any of our more technically adept folks have some comment on the market economy of web hosting out there, please let me have them. Our needs include a large allowance for MySQL database size, and no sophomoric blocking of legitimate users.