Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
I'll admit, I'm in much the same position... (nor can I make much sense of the website or "database" that you've pointed us too, BILL).

I have always found that perception is in many cases as you have stated somewhat succinctly, reality to those who choose it. And that in general any thing viewed, heard, related often enough to an audience tends to gain a more legitimate appearance despite its true validity or absolute BSedness( Yes I made that up More fun than reading a thesaurus).

This being the case however does ground truth, or real reality ever change.

Any efforts at approaching propaganda, training or otherwise should be focused on the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because there and there alone is the ultimate proactive cure to their ilk found. Being reactive in a reverse psychology kind of way is effective(within its required realm) which in war should be within direct interaction with or against an enemy.

If we allow ourselves to fall into the pattern of "besting" them at their own game then in the end you lose because you are now playing their game.

Part of what has always separated America from other parts of the world is that we push the limits of allowing freedom to where you almost lose them but we always catch ourselves at some point and manage to bring it back to a working democracy. When and if you begin to play by their ( the bad guys) rules than that is lost and you may not come back.

It doesn't take a messenger proclaiming the dangers of a crack house in the neighborhood for folks to know its there and figure they want something done about it. It just takes an 800 number for them to call to get something done about it.

Sometimes simple is better, But than again that might just be me