Maybe, but I doubt it. They are sending the phone cards through the USO, so I doubt they will be able to pass along any agitprop. I wouldn't be quick view this as a nefarious plot, knowing some members of MoveOn and other antiwar groups – I will say they are not all bad people - if not misguided. For a well funded, networked, large public policy advocacy group, I think they do not pull their own weight and underperform.

I have got to laugh at the notion that there currently is a sociopolitical antiwar-movement in this country of any substance beyond collective self-gratification. Scott Ritter is a guy who I respect, he's a former Marine Corps intelligence officer, weapons inspector, and a conservative. But at the same time he is 'antiwar', he has written a book called Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement that outlines why the antiwar movement has repeatedly failed and offers strategy to improve it. If the antiwar movement followed this book their effectiveness would increase by several orders of magnitude imho. But from what I can see it has largely fallen on deaf ears, the antiwar movement remains flacid and inept.

This is video of a speech Scott Ritter has given on the matter: Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement