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  1. #11
    Council Member BILL's Avatar
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    Dec 2007


    "4. You're invited to provide corroborating evidence from objective sources that supports your case that Jihadist Web sites are conducting Cyber warfare activities in 3rd world nations."

    Command and Control:

    From forum
    I don't know either, but I'm betting it is untrue. The text below is said to be part of a statement from some person or group calling itself "Sawt al-Jihad" (possibly just a blogger, or maybe a provacateur of some kind). But I don't know. As yet there is no word from the big boys in al-Qaida or the Taliban. Dadullah himself, on the phone to AP, says he does not believe the claim comes from Mullah Omar.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم وعلى من والاه وعمل بسنته و واتبع هداه، واشهد أن لا اله إلا الله وان سيدنا محمدا عبد الله ورسوله.

    أما بعد،،،

    إن "منصور داد الله" لا يطيع في إجراءاته أوامرنا نحن "أمير المؤمنين" وينفذ أعمالا لا تتوافق مع أصول الإمارة الإسلامية، لأجل هذا قررنا ما يلي:

    عزل "منصور داد الله" من منصبه كقائد عسكري مسؤول وإعفائه فورا من أداء جميع المهام التي كان مكلف بها وعدم إسناد إليه أية وظيفة أو مسئولية في الإمارة الإسلامية، ولا يجب على أي أحد النظر إليه كقائد أو مسئول في الإمارة الإسلامية.

    وقرار مقام الإمارة الإسلامية هذا في حق "منصور داد الله" فقط لا غير، وعلى بقية أصدقاء ورفقاء الشهيد "داد الله" مواصلة جهادهم المقدس في حدود الإمارة الإسلامية وعليهم بعد الآن عدم إطاعة "منصور داد الله" كما على أصدقاء وأهل خير الإمارة الإسلامية عدم حفظ الروابط معه.

    ينفذ هذا القرار في ساعته وتاريخه وعلى الجميع السمع والطاعة.


    No proves yet when this where truth the Amir Al Mumeneen will release an Audio statement.


    The Decision authorities of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan removed Mansoor Dadullah from his position as the commander in charger of the Taliban

    In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

    I bear witness that No God But Allah, He has no partner and Muhammad is His slave and messenger

    All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety

    Mullah Mansoor Dadullah is not obedience to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in his actions and has carried out activities which were against the rules of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, so the Decision Authorities of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have removed Mansoor Dadullah from his post and he will no longer be serving the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in anyways and no Taliban will obey his orders any more.

    This decision only applies to Mansoor Dadullah, all other friends of Mullah Dadullah Shahed will be carrying out their Jihad duties for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, all the sympathizers of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan end their relationship with Mansoor Dadullah.

    Ameer Al-Mu'meneen

    Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid


    it has been officially confirmed yesterday in the forums
    the reason for the sacking of mansour dadullah are still unclear though

    the statement is signed by mullah mohammed omar

    The problem I am having with the question, which is excellent, I've experienced , but gave no consideration to preserving proof.

    The question is what we mean by "Cyber warfare activities"
    and "in Third world nations."

    Cyber warfare, I would include, command and control or Recruiting. As the above conversation shows command and control, even awaiting the verbal command from a web site.

    If the web site is in the native language then it can be said they have cyber warfare for that nation.

    I am thinking your looking for actual activities of cyber attack in a third world country.

    We have that also, in the web site al-jinan, who recruited members to down load an DDos program and perform group attacks on sites.

    We took them out: is BACK.

    and burned the leader:
    "CYBER ALERT" Islamofascist head ...

    They were attacking web sites in third world countries.
    Their attack list ran maybe 50 sites total?
    This is a good example of my confusion in how to answer your Excellent question.
    This guy lived in Syria, and ran a web site hosted in the USA ( at one time, I think, almost sure, can't remember, their site was knocked down several times ) and recruited members from SA, PK, Af, even USA, to attack sites world wide, some in third world countries.
    "conducting Cyber warfare activities in 3rd world nations?" I say yes, on many levels, but it is complicated, as we see above.

    If I'm missing your point please ask for clarification.

    Last edited by BILL; 01-01-2008 at 08:53 AM.


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