Quote Originally Posted by Norfolk View Post
1. While Spike may be used in a role somewhat akin to that of a mortar, is it sufficient to replace the Mortar in all its roles?

2. Battle Losses: In The RCR, we were told that the 8-man Section would suffer 60% casulaties in the first 24 hours of offensive operations;

@ For Battle Losses, how is this Company designed or intended to cope with casualties, and at what rate?

@ Once again, a supremely efficient Company structure.
1. No, Spike cannot replace mortars but it can do certain jobs better than mortars.

2. Losses purely relate to how you can re-organise to retain some capability. That's the logic. However the psychological effects of casualties are likely to be far more profound. The 30 man platoons can keep re-organising right down to a 5 man team. You don't just wait for sections to get wiped out. You keep re-organising the platoon. That's why principles of organisation are a better bet, IMO, than absolute organisation.

@ Thanks, but it's just one stab at the possible.