Quote Originally Posted by Timothy OConnor View Post
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It's interesting that peace-time organization often revolves around neat and tidy balanced organizations in perfect multiples while fighting platoons very quickly dispense with such structures.

Why not formalize the informal so that platoons better reflect their real-world operating environment? Has that ever been attempted?

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As slapout noted, the WW II Commandos were organized that way; the 1st Special Service Force effectively operated that way, USSF and SOF essentially operate that way and as you point out, the structural design is essentially a bookkeeping measure and units in combat have always organized anyway they wish to accomplish the mission.

That is likely to continue to be true and it works; why waste a lot of effort trying to create the 'Optimum' organization when, as soon as its committed, someone not privy to the design rationale will modify the organization to suit his mission?

I have not seen every conceivable ad hoc organization of Army and Marine Scout and Rifle Platoons but I have seen hundreds of variations employed in combat. Most all of 'em worked.