...Primarily, because we really don't know what most of them really think, and right about now, they are all catering to their specific special interests (read: Contributors, or more likely, "Contribution Assemblers").

Right about now, they'll all say just about anything to get primary votes. And honestly, this isn't really a "hot button" topic for either party in their primary races, so why go there and run the risk of alienating potential primary voters if you don't have to.

I see that the exceptions to this would be McCain and Dodd. There's history on both those guys - about what they really think. I actually think McCain (if elected) will be a lot harder on both the Navy and Air Force (he's really not a fancy toy type of guy), and probably more friendly to both the Army and the USMC. He was and is (and has made no secret of it) of being highly impressed with the current military leadership in Iraq, and honestly, they've made him look good with what has happened so far in Iraq.

Evidence is that Dodd would probably be more supportive of Navy interests (being from CT), and somewhat to USAF (Dover AFB, even though it is located in DE), plus GE aircraft business interests in CT.

Funny thing is, you are probably going to get the most truth out of the second tier candidates, most, if not all, are going to be out of the race within 3-4 weeks. They've got little to lose, so they'll be closer to telling the truth.

Obama, Rudy, Hill, Romney, Edwards - who really knows.