I would like to add to what Steve Blair said. Too often education has become like money as we'll throw education at it and something might stick. Rarely are the specific goals examined carefully. Like Stan I stayed away because it appeared to be more "boo hoo" then "what to do". The process in the first post is laid out but not the outcomes expected from the education. What is the expected result of this suggestion?

I personally and likely reflect much of the experience of the first poster. I got out of the Marines as a corporal (ready to promote) and have been in college for a long time. Due to my education I am often called to work with senior leadership on the civilian side and military side of the TLA agencies. I've often been warmly welcomed and impressed by the professionalism of the NCO's in all the services I've worked with.

I've explained an interesting phenomenon to other academics and even senior leadership of the services. Their officer cadre thinks strategic and their enlisted ranks think strategic. Where one is worried about effect the other is worried about being effective. I think it very general but very literal to understanding the roles.