Oh, it probably would. There are a number I can pose - not the least of which being that unless you did it for every one of the millions of orphans (logistically impossible), you create kids who weren't socialized in society, and have nothing tying them to anyone. Anomie aplenty.

I never did say it would be a good idea...But that it was an idea.

I'm not sure any good ideas exist - I fully suspect that even having these kids being raised by relatives leaves them battered and broken as a result of that. (For instance, if they aren't fully accepted by their caretakers.)

However, tribalism was noted as an issue for Africa, as were AIDS orphans.

To me, that bad-idea-upon-further-examination...Did provide a potential solution. The problem, of course, is one of scale, and the human capacity to turn even the best-intentioned program to evil ends.

Something that would provide abundant opportunities for.