Quote Originally Posted by BILL View Post
I've gone out of my way to confirm we do not engage in illegal activities, ie hacking, and certainly have not violated any federal laws,
Thats quite a threating accusation.

Please provide quotes, I don't want any misunderstandings.
Or unnecessary investigations, based on a mis-communication.
In this thread your posts #47 and post #100 you make suggestions about operatives taking direct actions against terrorist organizations AND civilians providing denialbility. Perhaps I misread and took that to literally. In my experience direct action equates to the adversary not having the will of ability to act further.

Hacking is a pejorative term that has been bent and blended into uselessness so I'm immediately suspicious at it's use (your post on hacker training this thread #97). If we are talking about message, communication channels, or more succinctly propaganda then that is one discussion. If we are talking about creating kinetic effect (your post #106) through computers that is another discussion. From what you've posted it seems you are mixing the two concepts and they are not the same. It was recently declassified that it is perfectly possible to use computers for kinetic effect and blow up a generator.

Quote Originally Posted by BILL View Post
Congrads on your DHS Fellowship, its nice to have an Expert around.
Thank you. It's always nice to get outside recognition. Between, Purdue, NSA, DOD, NSF, and now DHS I have effectively paid zero money to realize my personal goal of getting a PhD.

As a faculty member at a regional university (third tier somebody once called it) funding and grantsmanship are little tougher to acquire than at an R1. You won't find it on my BLOG but I have a little over $1.5 million in outside and internal funding over the last four years. I'm especially proud of my Cisco funded security laboratory and virtual network laboratory system.