Quote Originally Posted by wm View Post
Knowing how people think is not enough. .
Sometimes I think I'd be better off talking to my dog than around here. To the above-- No Sh## sherlock.

Just because I didn't bring it up before doesn't mean that Boyd doesn't go well beyond 'knowing how people think'. You and Ken White are extremely good at cherry picking and setting up classic straw-man arguments. I mean do you actually believe that Boyd felt that 'knowing how humans think' is the one step process to winning wars??????? Do you honestly believe that Boyd took his thinking no further than that?

Ken, you deride Boyd by pointing out many of his ideas are not origonal. You are failing to see that boyd's genius was the compilation of seemingly disperate ideas into one paridigm. I mean no kidding Boyd steals a lot of ideas from Clauswitz and others. Why is this so repulsive to you? Because a problem with synthetic thinking and reasoning?

John Conrad