
Thanks for the links. I like reading Jason Burke and this is no exception. He has added some new details, helps with some context - notably the importance of travelling abroad, invariably UK to Pakistan, but it is "old wine". For example I admire those who have publically renounced Hizb, like Shiraz Maher, but Jason Burke is repeating old news.

A variety of issues are there. What has happened to all those reported as being radicalised, say in Bosnia and the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan, who have not pursued the cause? Yes, they are older, may have no commitments. I cannot recall one example in the public domain of this and thousands must have done this.

What does society do for an individual who rejects being radicalised and wants to return to his past life? They might be on the law enforcement / intelligence "radar" or fear reprisals or being denounced by the radicals.

Dispite all my reading we still do not understand what has happened, so cannot intervene at the right point for example. In the UK context the government talks about common values, but there has been no public discussion I know of what they are.

As one Muslim iman asked - what do you replace the radical ideology with?

Yes, some are termed religious novices (to Islam) and what type of Muslim would be have any impact? Some argue "mainstream", "moderate" or Salafist.

Meantime time to relax and read more elsewhere on SWJ.
