There will never be enough Special Forces to do a wholesale attack and occupation.
I'd also submit that if both SF and the rest of the Army would start talking to each other instead of acting like a pair of females who wore the same dress to a party, they both might learn something...
(and yes, I know SOCOM is part of the problem)
Maybe there's hope, I heard 3d Gp and the 82d pulled off a good op not long ago
Ken, all very good points. I must admit I was on the male version of the rag yesterday when I wrote my response. I have no issue with any unit doing what needs to be done. The problem is the Army has lost the art of training, though TRADOC fans would probably argue with me on that point, I would counter argue we pretend to train to standard. The numerous posts throughout this great site had support to my argument, whether it is a unit in pre-mission training or worse a MiTT element getting ready to deploy.

thank you for recognizing that SOCOM is part of the problem for SF, but the reality is they are not "the" problem. As for 3d Gp and the 82d working together, that happens plenty of times at the Co and below level, where there are no political agendas, only a desire to win. Too bad most of the times you do it, you have to hide the cooperation from higher.

Why is that E2 nervous? Why are you not prepared to trust his LT? Because neither has been adequately trained and we know that.

The issue is not who does what, it's what forces we have and how well they're trained. On that score, even SOF can screw the pooch on occasion, foul ups are not confined to the big Army. There was this suburban full of interesting gear my son's rifle platoon from the 82d found in the street back on OIF2...
Please tell your son to return my stuff! (only joking)